Jared Bramblett is a photographer & engineer based in Charleston, SC.

A graduate of the University of South Carolina, where he studied Civil & Environmental Engineering, Jared’s professional focus lies in water resources engineering and flood resilience.

His photographic work centers on documentary and environmental observations, driven by a lifelong fascination with the interplay between humanity and nature. His images explore the delicate seams where the natural and constucted worlds converge, offering perspective on how we shape and are shaped by the environment around us.

His work has been featured in The Bitter Southerner, Subjectively Objective, Southern Cultures, Charleston Magazine, the Dutch Dialogues, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Please reach out to inquire about commissions, collaborations, or just to say hello!

Shows & Exhibitions

Hans Neuburg, Zürich

Thomas Maldonado und Gui Bonsiepe, Ulm
Peter Mächler, St. Gallen Richard P. Lohse, Zürich

Georg Radanowicz, Zürich

Margit Staber, Zürich

Peter Lehner, Bern

Richard P. Lohse, Zürich

Margit Staber, Zürich
Ausgabe Juli 1963


Schweizer Plakate der letzten vier Jahre
Ein Zeichensystem für elektromedizinische Geräte
Fortschrittliche Wahlpropaganda
Werbung für eine Londoner Möbel-firma
Arbeiten von Robert Praed
Reine Foto-Grafik
Fotoklasse der Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich
Ausstellung für Asbeströhren (Eternit) von Max Bill
SWB Form Forum 1962
Buchschutzumschläge aus den dreißiger Jahren
Ein Maler als eigener Plakatgrafiker
Issue for July 1963


Swiss Posters of the past four years

A Sign System for Electromedica Instruments
Progressive Elections Notices
Publicity for a London Firm of Furniture

Pure Photo-Graphic Design

Exhibition of Asbestos Pipes

SWB Design Forum 1962
Permanent Braun Pavilion on an Exhibition Site
Book jackets of the Thirties

A Painter who is his own Graphic Designer
Juillet 1963

Table des matières

Affiches suisses des quatre années écoulées
Un système de signes pour appareils électromédicaux
Propagande électorale d'avant-garde
Publicité pour une maison d'ameublement londonienne

Photo-graphisme pur

L’exposition des tubes de ciment d'amiante
Forum 1962 de la forme ASAI
Pavillon Braun permanent sur l'esplanade d’une foire
Couvertures de protection des années trente
Un peintre-graphiste

Einzelnummer Fr. 15. -Single number Fr. 15. -Le numéro Fr. 15.-

Herausgeber und Redaktion
Editors and Managing Editors
Editeurs et rédaction

Druck Verlag
Imprimerie Edition
Richard P. Lohse SWB/ VSG, Zürich
J. Müller-Brockmann SWB/VSG, Zürich
Hans Neuburg SWB/VSG, Zürich
Carlo L. Vivarelli SWB VSG, Zürich

Walter-Verlag AG, Olten
Schweiz Switzerland Suisse

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